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Sprint Release #56

Sprint 56 Release Note: Re-Trigger Style Guides, Sample Check-in Data Capture, and Barcode String Manipulation.

Sprint 56 is here and ready for you! Lots of improvements and some great new features. Enjoy the read and thank you for all the great feedback!

New Features

Re-Trigger Style Guides

We have released functionality to re-trigger style guides. Normally, the triggering only happens during import, and if you forgot to add a category trigger to a style guide your products would be mapped to the default style guide.

Your only option would be to manually override the style guide for each product or do a delete/re-import of the products after fixing the style guide triggers.

With the new re-trigger functionality, you can update the product's style guide based on their category and get them assigned to the right one with just a few clicks.


The logic for the products that can be updated:

– If a product was imported today, it would get a different style guide than it has now.

In practice, it means that when you notice a style guide mapping mistake caused by a missing or misplaced category trigger, you fix the trigger on the style guide and open up the new view to re-trigger the affected products with a few clicks.

You can find this new functionality in the Actions menu on the Style Guide screen.

Data Capture During Check-in

We've added support for capturing the following data elements and automatically applying them to either a product or sample property.

  • First name (Of the user who is performing the check-in)
  • Last name (Of the user who is performing the check-in)
  • Check-in Date & Time
  • Barcode String
  • Check-in Location

Barcode String Manipulation – on the fly

If your barcodes hold a bit more information than you actually have ingested into Creative Force, we can manipulate the scanned value on the fly, making sure that we can locate the correct sample. This enables your studio to support barcodes from various sources with different structures. Reach out if you want to learn more about this!

New/Updated API Methods

  • Get Products (Updated)
  • Update Product

We have expanded the Get Products method to also support a second parameter: Product Code. This makes it possible to query the API for a specific Product Code and get back all information about any product that holds this product code. Job ID and Product Code can be used in combination to narrow the result.

We have also added an Update Product method that allows you to update product properties; both reserved and custom. The only exception is the style guide and category properties for the product. These need to be updated using the UI.

See the API documentation here:


Label Printing Order

When checking in, a typical process would be to pull something out of a box, check it in and hang it on a rail. If you then used the label printing functionality, we more or less printed these in random order and thereby added some extra sorting-work to your already busy day 🤦‍♂️. This has now been fixed! – Thank you Bestseller for pointing out this silly UX!

People and Location Filter on Kanban Screens

You can now filter your kanban screens by the team-on-set users and also where the photography for a task was executed. This is an excellent feature for multi-location studios with specialized teams.

Improved Default Filter on Assets

Assets had some fairly hidden filters that caused frustrations with our users. These have now been removed or made visible and the result is that Assets is now just easier to figure out and the results you get are what you expect.

Better Sample Clean-up Logic when Deleting a Product

We've improved a bit on the logic for sample clean-up when a product is deleted. This should prevent "ghost samples" 👻 when you delete a single product.

Edit Menu on the Production View Slide-In


Yes, we know.. it didn't make any sense and we have fixed it.

The edit menu is now available in the slide-in on the Production View. 🎊

Improved Mapping of Files from FTP Vendors

We have improved the logic around the way we receive back images from FTP Post-Production Vendors. We are now able to correctly map additional outputs with present variants. The result should be fewer cases of images being stuck in post.

Resetting Color References

Color references uploaded through Kelvin will now also be reset when the photography task where it was created is reset.

Data Update for Filtered Screens

Since we implemented ElasticSearch as the data foundation for our filtered screens we have been working on ensuring the data was accurate and updated. As we added more load on this, things started to not behave well. The issues were:

  • Status not up to date
  • No assets in the Assets screen
  • Only partial data
  • etc.

These issues were all rooted in the way we structured the data for these screens and our update strategy. Both things got a huge overhaul on August 2. and we have seen great improvements in all areas.


Big Sur Support

sprint-56-4@2x (1)

This Fall macOS 11 called Big Sur will be released. We just wanted to let you know that Kelvin and Hue have been updated with support for this major version update of your favorite OS. Big Sur has no impact on Gamma, as this is running in the browser.

Bugs Fixed

  • Strange scrolling / Loading new tasks behavior in HUE.
  • Kelvin / Hue: Issue when updating to a new version while transferring images.
  • A bug caused by style guide duplication that impacted the Final Selection screen.