Sprint Release #84
Sprint 84 Release Note: Quickly Surface Powerful Insights with Launch of Rejection Reports & Other Improvements. We are back with another exciting release!
Rejections Report for Insights
This is a new report that focuses on rejections in your production across all steps.
The top section of the report contains information about open rejections. These are rejections that have not yet been resolved.
The section comprises a total open rejection count for Photography, External Post, and Internal Post, as well as a timeline of rejections by finished time. The timeline visualizes rejections that have been waiting to be processed for a long time.
Like with all graphs, you can drill down into the graph for more information by clicking on the individual elements.
The bottom section of the report contains historic data.
For each of the three steps in production, we show common rejection reasons, total rejection rate, timeline of rejection rate, and most rejected style guides.
Common rejection reasons and most rejected style guides are displayed as a word cloud, where more frequent items are larger and more saturated.
The timeline of rejection rate shows the rejection rate per week compared to the total count of items finished in that week. This allows for a better understanding of the significance of the rejection rate in a given week.
Other Improvements
- Update logic for Sample Code in outfits.
- Moved the interface for client logo and studio logo.
- Sorting in the kanbans - Update the Sorting by ReadyToStartDatetimeUtc.
- Event log - Add new event log for print activities
- Final Selection: Navigating left and right in the full screen viewer is now synced with the cursor in the filmstrip bar.
- Better handling of timeouts for data source delta sync.
- Increase hard limit of product property up to 250 characters.
- Optimize SQL query when reset product.
- Split command to delete sample when deleting a job.
- Update logic of outfit - attach sample to outfit detail:
- Automatically choose sample for outfit when pool has a single sample
- Support attaching a Sample ID when creating an outfit.
- Update logic for listing outfits of sample.
- Refactor processing for merge field value.
- Add primary product code to some outfit event.
- Show outfit for ignored products.
Bugs Fixed
- Fixed: Unable to export data from Products tab.
- Fixed: Final selection detail view: Lacking data in debug info.
- Fixed: Mismatch when external post returns image for ignored product.
- Fixed: Duplicate annotation and wrong image sent to external post after L2.
- Fixed: Duplicate folder when integrating to Box.com
- Fixed: Slow update of the UI when disabling production types.
- Fixed: Wrong sample code when duplicating a sample with the CF barcode only.
- Fixed: Product is backlog (not done) when no production type match condition.
- Kelvin: Fixed: Error with the key press listener in the Capture Screen.
- Kelvin: Fixed: Check when parent location is changed.
- Kelvin: Fixed: Transfer failed due to Color reference required after reset.
- Kelvin: Fixed: Star rating also impact to another image