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Sprint Release #55

Sprint 55 Release Note: Post-production QC Updates - Reference Images, Alerts, and Overlays - and Airtable Integration.

Sprint 55 was never meant to be a firework of features as we are working on some big strategic features that we will be launching in about three sprints time.

However! I think we managed to pull together a decent deployment and if you are working in post-production quality control, you will like this one!

Enjoy the read and thank you for all the great feedback!

Post QC Updates


The reference images can be used for comparison via the convenient overlay that automatically shows up when you click a reference image. The overlay can be sized and positioned anywhere you want and you can even scale it to the exact same size as the image you are reviewing! How about that!

The reference image panel can a toggled using the r key.


Here is a complete list of the overlay capabilities:

  • Opacity
    The opacity of the overlay can be adjusted using the slider in the reference toolbox. You can also use your Numpad to set the opacity of the overlay. 0 = 100%, 1 = 10%, 2 = 20%... you get the idea..
  • Auto-scale
    By the click of a button, you can scale the overlay to the exact width or height of the image you are reviewing. The overlay will even position itself at the top-left corner to make it really easy to compare cropping. These actions are also available via shortcuts w and e.
  • Use any image as overlay
    It's not only the reference images that you can use as overlays. You can also use the very images you are checking and maybe, more importantly, the other production types from the same product. This is done by right-clicking an image in the film strip and then click "Use as overlay".
  • Double-click to dock
    The overlay can easily be docked/undocked by double-clicking the overlay. It will even remember the position and scale you last moved it to. You can also use the keyboard shortcut t to docked/undocked the overlay.
  • Color reference overlay
    If your workflow is set up with color references, these can also be used as overlays.

Reference Image Filters

It's easy to find other reference images by toggling one or more dimensions in the filter. They are all predefined in relation to the product and production-type you are reviewing. This makes it possible to find other images from the same category or job.


Reference Image Alerts

The consistency support that we added in sprint 52 to Photography and Internal Post is now available for the Post-QC steps – both external and internal.

You will be able to set up alerts that will inform the QC user when there are particularly important references to compare with. A typical case of this is when you have existing photography of another product with the same style code.


Airtable Data Integration


Your data can now be scheduled to be sent to an Airtable instance.
This is performed via Looker and is very easy to setup.
Please reach out if you are interested in hearing more about this.



  • Deleting big jobs will now be executed in the background.
  • Update label of flow option in model F (overflow)
  • Wrong property in the Sample label.
  • The cover image for a task failed to update.

Bugs Fixed

  • Date range selection in Assets filter
  • Indication for Ghost mannequin and Hero were missing on the style guide position after the latest update.
  • Unable to edit a big batch of products.
  • Select Entire result - Ignored product.
  • Auto filter although don't input value to Specific date range.
  • Proxy set up issue due to electron bug.