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Sprint Release #65

Sprint 65 Release Note: Platform Performance Upgrades, Improved Pre-Selection for Final Selection and Vendor Portal, and Elastic Search Optimization.

The remaining sprints (65 & 66) of 2020 have been reserved for cleaning up – meaning: refactoring, improving, optimizing, adjusting, polishing, tweaking, and so forth. All sorts of invisible things that will just make things run better.

We did also find room for a few new features – enjoy the read!


Pre-selection by Position for Vendor Portal

We've added a new request-level for the vendor-portal. It is now possible to ask your vendors to perform "pre-selection by position" in the vendor portal, ensuring that the right images are uploaded.



🚨 Warning: Tech talk coming at you!

We have made some major optimizations to our data update strategy on the screens run by ElasticSearch technology (All screens with the view and filter functionality – eg. Assets)

The changes are:

  • Fix exception cases.
  • Reduce conflict while updating.
  • Split priority queue base on the document type.
  • Increase the number of threads to sync for High & Very-High queues.
  • Build a tool to monitor and send a daily e-mail with delay & mismatch numbers.
  • Fix top 3 mismatches of data.

In short: It will just run a lot better 🙂

Faster Style Guide Access

We've added View and Edit buttons next to where we display the style guide name in the right-side panels and slide-ins. This will make it much faster to view or edit a style guide without copying and searching.

Final Selection: Pre-selection by position

When Pre-selection by position was performed in Kelvin, it meant that the art directors would have to click A LOT in the final selection screen to deselect until the correct set of images were selected. This is now changed so that nothing is selected and you can select an image just by hovering it and click "S" on the keyboard.

We've also added an "ONLY" link to deselect anything else and select a single image.

Job View UX

We have made the legend sticky and scrollable, to be viewable on smaller screens.
It is also now possible to sort by the Progress column when the grid is displaying By Products and By Production Type.

Other Improvements

  • Always overwrite color reference when sending to FTP Vendor.
  • Build a monitoring tool to monitor FTP vendor pulling service.
  • Build more data monitoring to detect: Stuck work units and when a file can not be sent to a vendor.
  • Print label option to print a single label (This is only available when you print labels from a job or for one or more samples.)
  • HUE: Un-pick a downloading task.

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed: Data Sources: Delta files are not synced after updating.
  • Fixed: Job status is not updating after product reset.
  • Fixed: Missing style guide name in the job view when viewing “by production type”.
  • Fixed: Wrong data after deleting the account owner.
  • Fixed: Case with "Invalid data Error" on check-in with data review.
  • Fixed: HUE: Process images that contain special characters in the filename.