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Sprint Release #47

Sprint 47 Release Note: New Styling Wardrobe and Sample Management for Wardrobe Items, Create and Edit Outfits, & New Styling Report.

Hi there

We have launched some great updates to Creative Force and are happy to share the release notes with you!


Tejs and the product team


NEW Styling Wardrobe

We have released the Styling Wardrobe module that will support you in managing and keeping track of all your wardrobe products in the Studio. Wardrobe products are secondary components of an outfit and can be retained in the studio to be used for future outfits.


The Styling Wardrobe can be found under 'Resources' in the top menu and is separated into two views:

  • Products (Styling Wardrobe)
  • Samples (Styling Wardrobe Samples)

The Styling Wardrobe comes with following functionality:

Import of Wardrobe Products

The import of wardrobe products is handled the same way as it is for production products. You can import them via 'Create Job', either separately or included as part of the production job.

Wardrobe products need to be flagged within the job file for Creative Force to recognize them. This is done by adding a value to each product which should be mapped to the property 'Wardrobe Item':

  • TRUE/ YES/ 1 = Wardrobe product
  • FALSE/ empty field = Production product

Check-in and Checkout

Wardrobe samples can be assigned a bespoke label design and are checked-in and checked-out in the same way as production samples.


Create and Edit Outfits

The user can now create an Outfit directly in Gamma, via the Styling tab in the slide-in, when selecting a product. When creating an outfit, the selected product automatically becomes the primary product in the outfit.


Where an outfit already exists, the user can edit the products within the outfit - either in Kelvin or Gamma. Changes to the outfit made in Kelvin are automatically reflected in Gamma.


New Studio Reports for Insights

Sample Report - The ‘Sample Report’ provides users with an overview of their samples. This includes a list of all samples, key statistics on Check-In Status, Check-In Status by Client, as well as Check-In and Checked-Out Sample Location. Lastly, it includes a ‘Sample Flow’ Diagram, a new way to visualize your inventory over time!


Updated to the Flow Report

Flow Report - The 'To Do' Status in the ‘Flow Report’ has been split into 'To Do (Waiting for Sample)' and 'To Do (Sample Received)'.


Additional Features and Improvements

Changing Product Editing Rules

It is now possible to add or edit 'custom' product properties for products that have reached 'Done' status.

Sample Redundancy

Where a job contains duplicated products, Creative Force considers the products to be redundant and removes them on import.

When managing samples, we recognize that the users may wish to import multiple instances of the same sample. In support of this, we now allow the import of the same sample multiple times, either during import or when adding products/samples to an existing job. When importing the job, the user can decide how to handle the recurrence of existing samples:

  • import
  • do not import
  • Evaluate each case



Install for all Users

When installing Kelvin or/and HUE, the user now has the option to install for all workstation users or only for themselves. Where the apps have been installed for all users, an individual workspace folder will be created for each Creative Force user.

Learn more about the Installation here.