Sprint Release #114
Sprint 114 Release Note: New Post-Production Workflow, Streamlined Menus for Improved Consistency, Faster Post-QC Image Loading, Plus a Whole Lot More! Happy reading on another sprint release day! 🎉
You might be thinking, “This week isn’t the regularly scheduled Sprint Release week…”
Astute observation! Internally, we’ve introduced a new testing phase in our software delivery process. This allows our product managers and QA team to do extended testing before we deploy our features to our customers.
But what does this mean for the release cadence?
In short: In order to transition to this new process, we have shifted the release schedule to resume bi-monthly every Tuesday starting today Happy reading!
New Post-Production Workflow:
Internal → External → Internal

We've introduced a new post-production workflow where captured images will start with an internal retouching step, get sent out to an external retouching vendor, and then be brought back in for a final internal post-production step.
Studios using an exception-handling workflow today might be able to save some time with this new approach if the assets always need a final round of internal retouching. Not to mention, with this approach you have total control over who is responsible for variant fan-out, and at which step in the process it needs to happen.
Other Improvements
- Ability to select multiple items and use right-click contextual menu.
- Streamlined menus across different screens for improved consistency.
- Update labels:
- Editorial Asset Slide-in: Now showing more information.
- Post QC: Improved the image loading time.
- Pages with filters are now faster at loading.
- Vendor Portal: Improve "Manual Mapping" performance.
- Optimized asset delivery by streaming.
- Added videographer user properties to metadata merge fields.
- Reference Image Alerts: Supporting results for deliverable sample.
Bugs Fixed
- Fixed: External Post QC Auto QA had invalid max duration.
- Fixed: Markup tool:
- Fixed: UI Bug: Setup reference image alert.
- Fixed: Filter should be cleared when the users close the sample slide-in.
- Fixed: Photo Review: Couldn't update selection.
- Fixed: Preview Overlay: Wrong step order when setting bypass External Post.
- Fixed: Vendor Portal: Invalid task status after submitting.
- Fixed: Sample Return Date Reverts to 1/1/1970.
- Fixed: Container assignment not sticking after scanning a sample.
- Fixed: Secondary outfit is showing as primary outfit on the product detail page.
- Fixed: Show style guide category error.
- Fixed: "We're sorry - something's gone wrong." appeared after deleting a location.
- Fixed: "Checked-in" and "Location Changed" webhook missing product code.
- Fixed: Support delivery of large files to Cloudinary (>100Mb).
- Fixed: Not validating post-production ID when sending and receiving files.
- Fixed: Internal server error when delivering main variant to Box.com.
- Fixed: Cannot edit Box.com post-production.
- Fixed: Video Workflow: Data not in the right position.
- Fixed: Product stuck in To-Do at Internal Post QC.
- Fixed: Wrong image orientation when opening image in the Preview.