Sprint 80 Release Note: Announcing the Launch of New Editorial Module, Additional API Authentication Method, and More.
Editorial Projects Preview in August - Launch September!
Hurray! We are finally at a stage where we feel confident about a launch date for our Editorial Projects module. We are currently doing final testing on major components and will be wrapping up during August. This means we can start planning previews with existing customers late August. Please reach out and schedule a demo!
In the meantime, take a look at how cool the Mock-up editor is!

Photos by Bjorn Snelders & Nathan Van de Graaf on Unsplash
New API Authentication Method
We have added an additional way of authenticating with our Public API.
"Client Credentials Authentication Flow" requires no user interaction after the app is registered in Gamma and is therefore a better way of integrating machine to machine.
See more on the new authentication flow here
- Cleaning up color-reference after rejecting to Photography step.
- Kelvin: Drag and drop experience
- Hue: Retry services (download/upload) after services restarted.
Bug Fixes
- Technical Support - Thumbnails do not load in Final Selection
- Kelvin Fixed: Scroll automatically when hitting space-bar in the transfer screen.
- Kelvin Fixed: Handle multiple language errors from Apple Script.
- Kelvin Fixed: Wrong image orientation on macOS.
- Kelvin Fixed: Disabled style guides are displayed in Kelvin.
- Kelvin Fixed: Using + in team-on-set search.