Schnell Media -
Connect Future With Media
Schnell Media understands your business and wants you to keep your head clear for the essentials. From organizing to processing large quantities of images - their professionals bring your project to a successful conclusion. Together, on time, and with the highest quality.
They provide you with your very own liaison who knows your project inside out and walks you through, from planning to delivery. Schnell Media is a one-stop content (post-)production agency, supporting you with a competent, flexible and reliable base.
What is Schnell Media?
Schnell Media is one of the leading media and IT service providers in Europe, with a head office based in Germany and operating worldwide. Schnell Media helps you to optimize your processes and post-production workflows. Their sophisticated, dependable software solution frees up time for what really matters: being creative.
They don't leave quality to luck or chance as large amounts of images call for reliable production processes. Fundaments of their production processes are the AI+ workflow, customized methods and the knowledge of experienced experts. Before setting up a custom-based workflow, your liaison will discuss your needs and possibilities in order to get a clear picture of the scope. All this is provided by know-how gained since 2002, when their passion for professional image editing, for both online and print began.
Nowadays, Schnell Media offers support with image and video editing for both eCommerce and editorial purposes. They strive to create and maintain collaborations founded upon trust and well-working business relationships, keeping personal contact at the forefront in this ever-more becoming digital world.
How Does Schnell Media + Creative Force Work Together?
By setting up a simple connection with the studio software of Creative Force and the servers of Schnell Media, they have created the best customer experience for fashion, furniture, food industries and more. The job creation and data transfer between both also works flawlessly, which ensures that metadata and image numbers will remain the same (unless otherwise requested).
Clients can choose basic instructions for a standardized editing process or a more individual approach by providing specific editing instructions via a separate guideline. Different kinds of workflows for both eCommerce and editorial can be established.
How Do I Add Them to My Tech Stack?
Schnell Media is the key to success through trust and partnership. They offer exceptional software solutions for optimizing processes and post-production workflows, allowing you to focus on your creativity without leaving quality to chance. With their AI+ workflow, tailor-made processes, and experienced specialists, they ensure stable production even with large amounts of images. Schnell Media works seamlessly with Creative Force across various industries such as fashion or furniture by taking shots directly from them for fast optimization and processing before returning them back into the production line.
To add this powerful tool in your tech stack just reach out to our partner team below or contact their representatives on the right - we guarantee a smooth build!

Region: Worldwide
Category: Content Production
Contact Info:
Roland Schür
Kjell Heinenbernd

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