Building a Billion Dollar Company with the Leader of our App Team, Thinh Pham Minh

Can you believe that we're already three months in on our Employee Spotlights? We've traveled to Vietnam with Nga, Copenhagen with Jacob, and this month, we're headed back to Hanoi to introduce our Senior Front-End Developer and the Team Leader of the Apps Team, Thinh Pham Minh!
"Thinh hasn't been a part of the company long, but the time he's been here has made a big impact on our app development." -Chief Technology Officer, Tejs Rasmussen,
And now, without further adieu, let's get this spotlight kicked off with Thinh Pham Minh.
CF: Welcome to the March Creative Force Employee Spotlight, Thinh!
Thinh: Thank you for having me.
Before we dive in, I have to ask, who is happy little baby in your Slack photo?
That is my daughter. Her name is Phuong Vy and she's three years old now. A small girl, shy in public but very formidable at home. Sometimes I leave early and pick her up from class. She is very happy. She hugs and kisses me, and tells me: "Father pick up Vy, Vy is very happy." It's a very emotional moment for me.
Aw, she's so cute. Like we said above, you're in Hanoi, how did you hear about a company based so far away in Denmark?
I was introduced to the company by a friend. Before that, I also heard that the company was a dynamic and comfortable working environment.
I guess there are more employees in Vietnam than the rest of the world. What do you do at Creative Force?
When I first joined Creative Force, I was a member of the web team. Currently, I am the leader of the apps team. Our team develops the Kelvin, Hue, and mobile app.
Impressive. How long have you been with the company?
One year and nine months.
Two years is coming up quick. What do you enjoy most about working here?
Friendly working environment, all members are given the opportunity to contribute ideas to the product and be helped to develop themselves.
Team photo taken at the last company summit.
Love that. It's great that everybody feels heard. It's so important. Have you worked on any projects that you are especially proud of?
Speaking of the future, what are you excited about at work?
I'm looking forward to the moment CF becomes a billion dollar company.
Best. Answer. Ever. I'm looking forward to that too! Let's dive into life outside of work. What do you do for fun?
I like playing and watching football.
Playing? That's great. I heard through the grapevine that you were the MOTM at a recent game. What is that?
MOTM means Man Of The Match. I played as a goalkeeper and that day I made a lot of good saves that helped my team win.
Wow. Congratulations! What else do you do outside of work?
Football and my daughter are my two main joys outside of work. Sometimes I play eSport. But I didn't play very well, so I lose more than I win. :)
Sometimes the journey is more important than the destination, right? Is there anything else you want to say to the team or our readers?
I would like to thank my team members. Everyone has united and agreed to develop the Apps team.
Thank you so much for joining us today!
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to share here. I hope readers don't get bored with what I shared.
Not a chance, Thinh!
Keep an eye out for the April Employee Spotlight where we chat it up with another great CF employee!