Improve Speed to Web Easily By Incorporating Vendor Provided Images
When you are a high-volume retailer, using vendor imagery can be a great way to reduce the workload for your in-house studio and improve your speed to the web. Unfortunately, for many companies, getting vendor imagery into their asset pipeline can be full of challenges. One of those issues is how you ensure adherence to quality standards.
With Creative Force, you have the ability to accept vendor images and put them into your QC and approval pipeline, making sure the right team members review and approve images before those shots go into your asset library.
The team at Creative Force understands the unique challenges of using vendor imagery to support e-commerce content needs. That's why they developed features that allow you to accept vendor imagery directly into your existing asset pipeline, and apply the same style guides and technical requirements you use for other images.
Allow Vendors to Upload Images to Creative Force
In Creative Force, you have flexibility and functionality that makes it easy to import vendor images.
Vendors can upload the images themselves using Creative Force's Vendor Portal. The Vendor Portal features a mass upload tool equipped with file validation and auto-mapping, to ensure that the vendor-provided assets meet your requirements and contain the proper metadata to flow smoothly.

Maintain Control of Vendor Images
You are always in control of what a vendor is able to upload at the product level. Product records will default to their normal production flow based on your Workflows and Style Guides, but you have the option to assign products to your vendors to supply images.

Most vendor imagery shouldn't require much work from your team, so Creative Force included the ability to map post-production separately for vendor images, within the same Style Guide. This allows you to keep your Style Guides organized but accommodate imagery from various sources. It's another way Creative Force helps you streamline production and save time for your team.